Entomology的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列問答集和整理懶人包

Entomology的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Lillig, Martin,Pavlíček, Tomás寫的 The Darkling Beetles of the Sinai Peninsula: Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae 和Tyler, Tom的 Game: Animals, Videogames, and Humanity都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站Entomology - The Australian Museum也說明:Entomology is the study of insects including flies, cicadas, moths, earwigs, fleas, bugs, cockroaches, bees, dragonflies, and termites.

這兩本書分別來自 和所出版 。

東海大學 生命科學系 關永才所指導 陳育琛的 掠食影響艾氏樹蛙的駐守行為 (2021),提出Entomology關鍵因素是什麼,來自於親代照護、行為可塑性、兩棲類、掠食者、權衡。

而第二篇論文國立嘉義大學 森林暨自然資源學系研究所 張坤城所指導 蘇漢霖的 阿里山公路沿線蜜源植物與蝶類資源之調查分析 (2021),提出因為有 海拔、歸群分析、棲地類型、相對重要性的重點而找出了 Entomology的解答。

最後網站Department of Entomology則補充:Entomology is the study of insects, the predominant species on Earth. With more than a million known species, insects significantly affect our world.



The Darkling Beetles of the Sinai Peninsula: Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae

為了解決Entomology的問題,作者Lillig, Martin,Pavlíček, Tomás 這樣論述:

An expanded and updated edition of the out-of-print 2003 supplementum of ’Zoology in the Middle East’, this concise guide to Darkling Beetles of the Sinai Peninsula has been sought after by researchers in taxonomy, faunistics, and biogeography. The new book includes two additional subfamilies of ten

ebrionid beetles (4-5 species), identification keys and more than 90 colour photographs and species distribution maps.Zoogeographically speaking, the Sinai Peninsula is a crossroad and, at the same time, a centre of speciation. Despite its generally arid character, the region harbours a wide range o

f habitats, from sea level to over 2500 m above. About 10 percent of the Sinai darkling beetles are endemic to the area. The inclusion of species photographs and identification keys makes of this book an invaluable reference field guide, for both specialists and non-specialists, who will thus be abl

e to discover the taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity of darkling beetles in the Sinai Peninsula. Dr Martin Lillig works for the environmental and nature conservation association Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (Friends of the Earth, Germany) and freelances in nature conservation. He

received his doctorate in environmental sciences from the Faculty of Science at the University of Basel, Switzerland. Since studying biogeography in the 1980s at the University of Saarland, Germany, he has been particularly interested in entomology, especially beetles. The taxonomy, systematics and

zoogeography of the Tenebrionidae are his special fields. He has published about 70 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals and several book chapters. Since 2020, he has been subject editor of the journal Zootaxa for Tenebrionidae. He also writes peer reviews for numerous other journals. On his

research trips he visited Zimbabwe, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt (Sinai Peninsula), Israel, Jordan, Canary Islands, Madeira, Cape Verde Islands and various European countries like Portugal, Malta, Greece, etc.Dr Tomás Pavlíček, RNDr, PhD is a senior researcher at the Institute of Evolution, University of

Haifa, Israel. He obtained a Ph.D. (= CSc.) of the Institute of Entomology, České Budějovice, Czech Academy of Sciences. He has been conducting parallel research in entomology, vermicology and botany (cereals), always interested in the fields of evolutionary genetics, population genetics, ecology a

nd zoogeography. He has co-authored eight monographs and published more than 130 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals. His research trips have taken him to regions of the world as varied as French Guiana, Brazil, New Caledonia, Mayotte, Guadeloupe, Mauritius, Japan, Turkey, Portugal, the Cauc

asus, Jordan, Israel and the Sinai Peninsula.


Entomology museum in Puli 木生昆蟲博物館

Google map: https://goo.gl/maps/ajX9mvm3vmbuYp6M6

Beast Runners 跑山獸: http://www.beast.run/
Beast eShop: http://www.eshop.beast.run/
Facebook Beast Runners: https://www.facebook.com/BeastRunners


為了解決Entomology的問題,作者陳育琛 這樣論述:

親代照護可以透過各種形式為子代提供好處,同時親代也必須付出一些代價。在無尾目中,護卵行為是最普遍的照護模式,且多數物種都會維持近乎整個卵期的駐守。然而,前人在艾氏樹蛙(Kurixalus eiffingeri)的研究中發現,雄蛙擁有較低的駐守頻率,但個體間具有高度差異,暗示雄蛙的駐守行為可能具有可塑性。在眾多環境因子中,卵的掠食壓力可能是影響駐守行為的重要因子之一,但是目前研究對艾氏樹蛙卵的野外掠食者仍不了解。除此之外,掠食者的存在可能可以幫助驗證駐守行為的可塑性,同時對了解艾氏樹蛙繁殖策略具有重要意義。因此,本研究主要有兩個目的:(1)針對駐守雄蛙進行24小時監測,以記錄雄蛙駐守頻率與卵掠

食者出現的時空變化;(2)利用操作實驗檢測卵掠食者的存在是否影響雄蛙的駐守行為。我在南投縣溪頭地區的竹林中針對駐守雄蛙進行監測,並將馬丁氏鱉甲蛞蝓(Parmarion martensi)裝在玻璃罐內,放置在卵窩旁作為實驗組,再以空罐作為對照組,比較兩組雄蛙的反應差異。操作實驗結果顯示,艾氏雄蛙的駐守頻率具有可塑性,雄蛙可能為了確保子代存活而調整駐守頻率,同時也能兼顧其他撫育行為。除此之外,雄蛙有能力改變日夜駐守模式,這可能是受到卵掠食壓力與自身繁殖特性的影響。另外,不論卵的發育階段,只要有威脅存在,雄蛙都會增加駐守,但仍維持前期多、後期少的駐守模式,顯示前期駐守的重要性。野外監測發現雄蛙駐守頻


Game: Animals, Videogames, and Humanity

為了解決Entomology的問題,作者Tyler, Tom 這樣論述:

A playful reflection on animals and video games, and what each can teach us about the otherVideo games conjure new worlds for those who play them, human or otherwise: they’ve been played by cats, orangutans, pigs, and penguins, and they let gamers experience life from the perspective of a pet dog

, a predator or a prey animal, or even a pathogen. In Game, author Tom Tyler provides the first sustained consideration of video games and animals and demonstrates how thinking about animals and games together can prompt fresh thinking about both.Game comprises thirteen short essays, each of which e

xamines a particular video game, franchise, aspect of gameplay, or production in which animals are featured, allowing us to reflect on conventional understandings of humans, animals, and the relationships between them. Tyler contemplates the significance of animals who insert themselves into video g

ames, as protagonists, opponents, and brute resources, but also as ciphers, subjects, and subversive guides to new ways of thinking. These animals encourage us to reconsider how we understand games, contesting established ideas about winning and losing, difficulty settings, accessibility, playing ba

dly, virtuality, vitality and vulnerability, and much more.Written in a playful style, Game draws from a dizzying array of sources, from children’s television, sitcoms, and regional newspapers to medieval fables, Shakespearean tragedy, and Edwardian comedy; from primatology, entomology, and hunting

and fishing manuals to theological tracts and philosophical treatises. By examining video games through the lens of animals and animality, Tyler leads us to a greater humility regarding the nature and status of the human creature, and a greater sensitivity in dealings with other animals.


為了解決Entomology的問題,作者蘇漢霖 這樣論述:

阿里山公路海拔高度由最低32 m至最高2,607 m,落差近2,575 m,其兩側植群與環境相當豐富多樣,蝶類資源亦是如此,本研究依據植物資源與全年蝶類資源調查結果,利用Jaccard公式計算兩兩穿越線之間相似性後進行歸群分析,公路沿線可區分成3大棲地類型,分別為低海拔草木灌叢、中海拔次生林林緣與中高海拔針闊混生林,蝶類群聚相則可以分成4個,分別為32 m - 200 m、400 m - 1,600 m、1,800 m與2,000 m - 2,600m。針對四季蝶類資源結果,進行歸群及非計量多元尺度(non-metric multidimensional scaling ,nMDS )分析,

瞭解季節間不同生物組成差異,並以斯皮爾曼相關係數(spearman’s rank correlation)進行主座標典型相關分析(Canonical analysis of principal coordinates, CAP),以展現各季節出現之蝶種。資源普查方面,維管束植物共調查到135科437屬686種,屬於蜜源植物有23科36屬38種;蝶類與蜜源植物調查中,共記錄到5科73屬122種、2,278隻次蝴蝶,便涵蓋臺灣約30 %蝶類資源種數,經歧異度指數及多樣性指數計算,顯示出阿里山公路沿線以中海拔次生林林緣棲地類型有較高的蝶種多樣性。蜜源植物中,低海拔及中海拔以大花咸豐草(Bidens

pilosa var. radiata)有較高的相對重要性指數,高海拔則以臺灣澤蘭(Eupatorium formosanum)為最高。