Paralyse的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列問答集和整理懶人包

Paralyse的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Morel, Genevieve/ Watson, Lindsay (TRN)/ Hooson, Ben (CON)寫的 The Law of the Mother: An Essay on the Sexual Sinthome 和Hamilton, Charlotte的 Fitface Foundations: Face Exercises都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站Paralyse durch Analyse - Wikipedia也說明:Paralyse durch Analyse (englisch analysis paralysis) beschreibt das übermäßige Analysieren einer Situation, wodurch das Treffen einer Entscheidung ...

這兩本書分別來自 和所出版 。

國立中正大學 心理學系臨床心理學研究所 徐晏萱所指導 莊玄妙的 極早期至早期失智階段之皮質下缺血性腦血管疾病與阿茲海默氏症患者於前瞻性記憶功能的表現及相關神經基礎 (2020),提出Paralyse關鍵因素是什麼,來自於前瞻性記憶、皮質下缺血性腦血管疾病、阿茲海默氏症、不一致情境、事件關聯、時間關聯、靜息狀態功能性磁振造影、區域同質性分析。

而第二篇論文國立中興大學 國際政治研究所 陳牧民所指導 李燁的 巴基斯坦族群衝突問題:地方族群、宗教認同對國家認同的挑戰 (2014),提出因為有 巴基斯坦、國家認同、族群衝突的重點而找出了 Paralyse的解答。

最後網站Paralyze vs. Paralyse - Grammar.com則補充:Paralyse and paralyze are different spellings of the same word. Paralyze is preferred in the U.S. and Canada, while paralyse is preferred outside North ...



The Law of the Mother: An Essay on the Sexual Sinthome

為了解決Paralyse的問題,作者Morel, Genevieve/ Watson, Lindsay (TRN)/ Hooson, Ben (CON) 這樣論述:

The law of the mother is made up of words charged with pleasure and suffering that leave their mark on us in early childhood. In this groundbreaking book, Genevi ve Morel explores whether it is possible for the child to escape subjection from this maternal law and develop their own sexual identity.

Through clinical examples and critical commentary, the book illustrates the range and power of maternal influence on the child, and how this can generate different forms of sexual ambiguity. Using a Lacanian framework which revises the classical idea of the Oedipus complex, the book is not only a ma

jor contribution to gender studies but also an invaluable aid to the clinician dealing with questions of sexual identity. The book avoids many of the moral and political prejudices that paralyse twenty-first century society, be they related to legislation on marriage, parentage or adoption, the stat

us of "mental health", or the limits to the supposed ownership of the human body.Insightful and revealing, The Law of the Mother will be of great interest to Lacanian psychoanalysts, as well as to researchers in the fields of gender studies and sexuality. Geneviève Morel is a psychoanalyst practi

cing in Paris and Lille. She is a member of the Association Lilloise pour la Psychanalyse et son Histoire and of the group Savoirs et Clinique. Her previous books include Sexual Ambiguities (Routledge).



為了解決Paralyse的問題,作者莊玄妙 這樣論述:

研究背景:前瞻性記憶 (prospective memory, PM) 是在未來的特定時機,記住並執行意圖行為的能力。現有文獻中對於血管型認知障礙症之PM表現研究結果並不一致,且多聚焦於大面積腦皮質梗塞或出血性腦中風患者,針對皮質下缺血性腦血管疾病 (subcortical ischemic vascular disease, SIVD) 所作的PM研究十分缺乏。同時,臨床上SIVD與阿茲海默氏症 (Alzheimer’s disease, AD) 的病程相似,但在極早期至早期失智階段卻可能有不同的認知表現型態,兩者在PM的表現差異仍缺乏相關研究進行比較。此外,目前對於PM的神經基礎尚未充分

理解,特別是以時間為線索的PM類型 (time-based prospective memory task, TBPM) 少有研究探討。研究目的:本研究目的有三:(一)探討SIVD族群於極早期至早期失智階段的PM表現;(二)比較AD及SIVD患者在疾病早期階段之PM作業表現差異;(三)運用靜息狀態的功能性磁振造影 (resting-state fMRI, rs-fMRI),探討TBPM及事件關聯PM (event-based PM, EBPM) 的神經基礎。研究方法:本研究納入73位60歲以上長者(SIVD 20位、AD 22位及健康老年人31位),接受一系列標準化神經心理測驗、依McDani

el與Einstein (1990) 派典設計的電腦化前瞻性記憶作業及磁振造影檢查。電腦化前瞻性記憶作業包含單純持續性作業、EBPM及TBPM三種作業情境。靜息態功能性磁振造影則以區域同質性分析方法 (Regional homogeneity analysis, ReHo) 進行分析。研究結果:極早期與早期失智階段的SIVD患者,在EBPM正確率 (p = 0.027)、EBPM反應時間 ( p = 0.020) 及TBPM正確率 (p = 0.002) 皆顯著較控制組差;且相較於AD患者,SIVD的PM表現有更差的趨勢,僅SIVD組的TBPM (正確率 p = 0.002) 與EBPM (正

確率 p = 0.027; 反應時間 p = 0.020) 表現顯著低於控制組,AD組則無。影像分析結果顯示,SIVD組的PM表現與額葉皮質、頂葉皮質、顳葉皮質、枕葉皮質、距狀裂皮質、梭狀迴、楔前葉、運動輔助皮質、中央旁小葉、視丘、腦島及角迴的區域同質性程度達顯著相關 (p < 0.05);而AD的PM表現則與顳葉皮質、海馬旁迴、後扣帶迴皮質、楔前葉、梭狀迴及腦島的區域同質性有顯著相關 (p < 0.05)。研究討論:SIVD較AD患者更容易出現EBPM缺損,其中不一致情境 (nonfocal) EBPM表現與額葉-頂葉神經網絡之功能連結性有關;而TBPM則與自動化注意力歷程相關之後扣帶迴皮質


Fitface Foundations: Face Exercises

為了解決Paralyse的問題,作者Hamilton, Charlotte 這樣論述:

Before uying another silly cream (that can't penetrate) or seeking invasive Botox TRY EXERCISE - its the simple non invasive route to looking faulous. Fitface Foundations is all about the foundations of your face - your muscles. Exercise your face and you will firm and tone your face and prevent

wrinkles, folds and sags form ever forming. Grooves, folds and wrinkles form from doing the same repetitive movements, the face becomes fixed with that expression. Working out your face unwinds, unravels those tense muscles, letting them relax, soften and rebuild ALL the supporting tissues in your s

leep. Your complexion will glow from the additional oxygen and nutrients supplied by exercise just like your body would respond. Exercise does not stop at the neck. Whether you are late twenties or early sixties Fitface is for you. Little by little we age, it is a nature process but you can prevent

deep folds and wrinkles from ever appearing with face exercises. Just like the body, if you don't use them you will lose them. Build strong firm toned muscles and tone them forever. Your muscles never stop degenerating and regenerating. When you are younger they grow quicker and if you are 60 they w

ill slacken more quickly but it is never too early or too late to exercise and build tone to soften lines and reduce wrinkles. The book has 4 different exercise programs with over 70 exercises all with photographs and easy to follow instructions. PLEASE NOTE (These face exercises ARE THE SAME as fir

st printed in Fitface Hands Free Facial Toning Exercises). Fitface toning exercises are different. The revolutionary new technique is performed "hands free" which means there is no touching or pulling of the skin - to avoid damaging delicate facial tissues. Fitface exercises produce strong, tight, f

irm muscles and increases collagen to give you a toned facial makeover that lasts a lifetime. Cosmetic surgeons agree that tight firm toned muscles are the most important part of looking good. Fitface "hands free" facial toning exercises work naturally from within - to build, strengthen and repair -

lost muscle tone which also rejuvenates collagen. Fitface is fast, fun and easy, making you look fabulous; now and forever. The knife can only cut away healthy skin and muscles, which in the long term results in thinner skin and weaker damaged muscles. Needles can either paralyse muscles or plump u

nder the skin temporarily, to produce a frozen face. In the long the procedures either exacerbates wrinkles or annihilates muscle tone. The long term effects on the brain remain unknown, the choice is yours.


為了解決Paralyse的問題,作者李燁 這樣論述:

